Coaching Services

Coaching vs. Therapy
My coaching practice is designed for individuals and families who need practical guidance and actionable steps to navigate complex relationship dynamics. Coaching is more action-oriented, helping you set and achieve personal goals in real time. In contrast, therapy focuses on understanding past patterns and family dynamics, offering insight into emotional blocks and long-standing issues.
With my background as a therapist specializing in family systems, mental health, and addiction, I bring a deep understanding of the systemic impact these challenges can have. This knowledge enriches my coaching practice, allowing me to provide a more comprehensive perspective when working with individuals or families.
Support In-Between Sessions
Coaching is most effective in the moment, especially when you're navigating difficult situations. To support you in applying new skills, coping strategies, and insights, I offer flexible communication between sessions. This real-time support helps clients take proactive steps and practice new behaviors with guidance, which has proven invaluable for making lasting changes.
Why I Do This Work
Having lived through family addiction myself, I know how crucial support can be during tough times. Having someone to turn to for guidance, helping me navigate all the speed bumps I encountered along the way made all the difference for me, and now I’m honored to pay that support forward to others.

Ready to Get Started?
Reach out and request a consultation to begin.